Thursday, May 9, 2013

Grocery Deals

Grocery shopping can be a challenge. Most of the stores are associated food stores and their ads vary only a little. But each store can have a few gems at stock up prices. You don't have to read all the ads that come in the paper or the mail, you can find them all on line:

Macey's ad runs Monday to Monday so each Monday has 2 full ads to shop from.

Ream's ad runs Tuesday to Monday

Fresh Market ad runs Wed to Tues.

Harmon's ad runs Sunday to Sat. Sometimes has a deal of the day posted on the ad

Sprout's ad runs Wed. to Wed so 2 full ads to shop from on Wed.

Winco does not have a weekly ad but does have good prices and has a great bulk department where you can buy spices, different types of flour and all sorts of things not just goodies.

OR - Walmart does ad match if you want to take them with you

Most of these stores will email you the ad each week if you sign up for it.
I drive by most of these stores at least once a week and if they have something I want to stock up on I will run in and get it.      
Each week I will try to post some specials that are exceptional deals in my opinion.
Another source for good shopping tips is - The Grocery Guru
Coupons can save money . There are some really great coupon web sites but someone else will have to fill us in on those at another time.

Stock Up Deals 
Macey's: Ghiradelli chocolate chips 3/ $5.00  (and other stores)
                 Barilla Pasta $.99 each
                 Petite Sirloin steaks $2.99 lb.
Ream's: Ground beef 80% lean $1.99 lb.
                Western Family butter $1.99 lb
Smith's: Milk or Kroger OJ$1.99 gal.
            Kroger block or shredded cheese $4.99
Harmon's: extra lean ground turkey $1.99 lb
Sprout's: Check out their produce
Fresh Market and Dan's have almost exactly the same ad as Macey's